Bee Found brings together beekeepers in a whole new way. We encourage, but don't require, treatment-free beekeeping and social enterprise. Your gains are our gains. Your losses are our losses. Together, we will build stronger, healthier, and resilient bees that will help boost all bees and pollination in the area.
Bee Found was developed by Jeremy Idleman, an Iraq War veteran who struggled with PTSD upon returning home. It was his uncle, a lifelong beekeeper, who introduced Jeremy not only to bees but also to the therapeutic benefits of bees. After starting beekeeping and realizing his uncle’s wise words were on point, Jeremy decided to create a nonprofit to help other veterans like him. Bee Found was born, and from it, the Bees For Bravery program gives free bees, beehives, and mentorship to veterans with PTS-like symptoms.
Beekeeping has helped so many people, especially veterans. In 1919, during post-war WWI, the U.S. Government made beekeeping more accessible to veterans with “shell shock” to give them an outlet and career to help them cope with their post-traumatic stress. It worked then, and it’s working now.
Bee Found’s main program, Bees For Bravery, is the perfect solution for veterans who need more mindfulness and socialization. Plus, they get some sweet honey!
Our Mission
Bee Found is dedicated to harnessing the therapeutic power of beekeeping to support veterans with PTSD. We believe beekeeping provides a unique and meaningful outlet, offering veterans focus, purpose, and healing through hands-on engagement with nature. Our mission is to empower veterans by teaching the principles of natural beekeeping, fostering resilience in both our bees and beekeepers. We aim to raise strong, healthy, mite- and disease-resistant bee populations while creating a supportive community where backyard hives become a source of connection and conversation about bees' vital role in our environment.
What We offer Our main goals
Hive Rentals
Host a Hive
Adopt a Hive
Raw, hyper-local honey
Bee Education
Bee Removal
Get as many veterans as possible interested in helping our bees
Become Certified Naturally Grown
Grant at least 25 new colonies to veterans per year
Reduce the cost of hives by teaching supporters how to build their own
“The bee is domesticated, but not tamed. ”